(烏拉圭 主權債) Uruguay Government International Bond, 3.875%, 7/02/406.29%
(厄瓜多 主權債) ECUADOR REPUBLIC OF, senior bond, Reg S, 5.50%, 7/31/355.67%
(馬來西亞 政府債) Malaysia Government Bond, BONDS, Sr Unsecured, 0417, 3.899%, 11/16/274.67%
(肯亞 主權債) Republic of Kenya Government International Bond, SR UNSECURED, Sr Unsecured, REGS, REG S, 9.75%, 2/16/313.65%
(厄瓜多 主權債) Ecuador Government International Bond, senior note, Reg S, 6.90%, 7/31/303.65%
(超國際機構債) Asian Development Bank, SR UNSECURED, Sr Unsecured, EMTN, 10.10%, 1/23/263.21%
(多明尼加 主權債) Dominican Republic International Bond, SR UNSECURED, Sr Unsecured, REGS, REG S, 5.875%, 1/30/603.18%
(超國際機構) International Bank for Reconstruction & Development, SR UNSECURED, Sr Unsecured, EMTN, 6.50%, 4/17/303.03%
(哥倫比亞 公債) Colombian TES, BONDS, Unsecured, B, 9.25%, 5/28/422.90%
(烏拉圭 政府債) Government of Uruguay, senior bond, Index Linked, 4.375%, 12/15/282.79%